Bumper Stickers

Owlproject.org is now partnering with South African taxis to send a clear and simple message - Owls eat rats. Owlproject.org and taxi drivers and owners are placing large green stickers with this message on their vehicles.
Owlproject.org started this initiative in Alexandra Township. Alexandra is infamously known for their high rodent population. In interviews with residents from other townships, even they complain about the ‘Alex Rats’. So where better to start? We thought that convincing taxi drivers to have stickers placed on their cars would be a challenge. To our surprise, most of them were happy to support owlproject.org and our message.


There are over 1 800 taxi ranks in Gauteng alone and we want to have as many taxis involved as possible. To support owlproject.org, please donate to this initiative. 

Bumper Stickers
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