
Two owls sheltered in Carter Primary School get identification rings

ALEX - Leaning the importance of owls.


The Owl Project Organisation visited Carter Primary School, one of their partners in the township owl project, to ring two owls sheltered in the school.

The organisation rings owls to them and community members to easily trace and identify an owl when they get lost. The two owls at the school, which were fed by a group of Grade 6 learners, were ringed with different serial numbered rings.

According to Delina Chipape, project coordinator, the project works in two parts. Part one is the educational aspect and part two is the owl release program. “Education is an important pillar of the project. Our teams go out to participating schools to give presentations on owls and their role in an ecosystem. These presentations are also used to address any remnant myths believed by the people in the township. Today we came here to put identification rings to the two owls sheltered here at Carter Primary School. The rings will help us and the community at large to easily identify the owl in case they get lost.”

Chipape said the project has made a significant impact in the community by teaching people about the importance of owls. “Our township communities have learned that owls minimise rats population which is one of the challenges here in Alex. Schoolchildren who are part of our project have helped us immensely in preaching this gospel.”

Carter Primary School Grade 6 learners who have been part of the project since 2016, said they were grateful to be part of a project that helped them eliminate all negative perceptions and myths they had towards owls.

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